Carbon Emission Diagnostics  

Towards a sustainable era, together!

We are a consulting firm that specialized in sustainability; provide range of services to public and private organizations helping them to integrate practices and strategies that will guide them in the net-zero era.

We are a certified team that made up by local and international members of scientists, engineers, and geoscientists with a collective experience of over 30 years in sustainability and geosciences.  The team members have received extensive training at prestigious European and American institutes in areas such as carbon footprint calculation, GHG inventory, and corporate environmental management.
Our approach is to develop and implement sustainable practices, align with global sustainability frameworks, and enhances our clients’ environmental and social performance by formulating a tailored strategy and reporting methodology for decarburization to empower organizations to achieve net-zero status based on a detailed analysis of each case.

The Certifications

Our experts and collaboration partners

Carbon Emission Diagnostics

Carbon accounting

  • Development of specific GHG protocols for the company
  • Baseline calculation of company-wide GHG emissions
  • Supply-chain carbon accounting
  • Timeline for setting targets, and identifying risks
  • Benchmarking analysis of industry peers and competitors
  • Summary of findings, conclusions, and data tables

GHG Protocol verification

  • Third-party verification of prior GHG studies

Carbon reduction and Management

Net-Zero / Decarbonization

  • Development of a carbon management strategy for planned, specific, and measurable actions to achieve net-zero or carbon neutral status
  • Summary of findings, conclusions, and data tables

Carbon offsetting

  • Guidance on vetted offset providers to allow for a variety of curate projects that best align with the organizational values and strategy

Communication and marketing

  • Strategic communication, reporting, and marketing of emissions data

Sustainability services

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

  • Guidance on reporting strategies (GRI, SASB, UNSDG’s, etc.), Life Cycle Assessments, and communication and marketing support, to fulfill the organization’s ESG goals

Corporate education on GHG/ESG

  • Training to internal or external stakeholders on relevant GHG and ESG topics to further develop the organizational culture
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ISON is committed to UN 17 SDG goals!